Salt and food colouring pictures

We loved doing this activity this morning!!

To do this you need some paper or card, PVA glue, food colouring, table salt and water.


On the paper, ‘draw’ your picture with the PVA glue. We used paintbrushes and just sort of splodged glue around but obviously the older the children or the more artistic you are, the more detailed your pictures could be!


When you’ve done this, sprinkle it liberally with table salt, making sure all the glue is covered in a decent amount, then shake off the excess.


Mix some food colouring with water. At first I watered the colour down a bit too much and the colour was weak. To get decent colour you need about seven or eight drops of food colouring in a tablespoon or so of water. This makes it nice and vibrant. Use a paintbrush or a pipette to drop the coloured water onto the salt and watch the colour spread through the salt. Harrison thought it was magical, and excitedly told me the colour was ‘growing’!



I’m imagining some gorgeous firework display pictures around bonfire night on black paper!

Romanian Mum

div align=”center”>Romanian Mum